Friday, April 3, 2015

Tectonic Processes TERM 1

Earth Composition and Plate Tectonics

Ch. 9: Essential Background Reading: Rocks and the Rock Cycle and Questions
Ch. 10: Essential Background Reading: Tectonic Processes and Questions
Ch. 11: Essential Background Reading: Volcanoes, Earthquakes and Questions

Earth Internal Structure Practice Test
Earthquake Practice Test
Plate Tectonics Practice Test

Hawaii 4D
Plate Tectonics Intro

Plate Tectonic Assignment and Plate Tectonic Power Point Assignment
Virtual Geologic Field trip Guide

Plate Tectonics ArcGis Story Map and more Plate Tectonics
Mountains of Fire ArcGis Story Map
Volcanoes of the World ArcGis Story Map
Geologic History of BC ppt
PlateTectonics Interactive Class
Magnetic Reversal, Seafloor SpreadingRift Valleys

Labs: Group Work and sharing of results
Plate Tectonics Group I Class. Kilauea Map Link Kilauea Map Kilauea Web quest Kilauea Eruption Hawaii Volcano Slideshow  Kilauea Webcam Ship Rock New Mexico
Plate Tectonics Group II Class
Plate Tectonics Group III

Crustal plates, vulcanism, and seismicity Assignment
Plates and plate margins Classwork
Plate Tectonics Practice

Interactive Rock Cycle Homework
Interactive Plate Tectonics Homework
Interactive Volcanoes Homework

Structural Geology
1. Principles of Geology
Oil on my shoes: Petroleum Geology Homework
Oil and Gas Traps Homework
Interpret simple geologic structures from map data Homework: Background Reading
Geological Maps Homework: Background Reading
Dip and Strike Class Presentation
Geology Animations. See
Visualizations. See
Animations.  Folds,  Coal Formation
Modelling block diagrams Homework Study
Block Diagram Youtube
Landscapes and Geology
AnticlineWatch in Class
Visible Geology Class Demonstration
Carbon Capture Homework

Erosional Landforms


1. Layers of the Earth
2. Earthquake Lab Assignment. Do this online: Virtual Earthquake
3. Laboratory
4. Seismic Waves
5. Buildings and earthquakes
How to Read a Seismogram
Locating the epicenter
Richter Scale I Class
Richter Scale II Class

Bridge to Classroom

Rock Key Online
Rock Cycle
Virtual Courseware
Living Lab: Earthquakes Design a Project. Click this link
Vancouver Earthquake Preparedness and Infrastructure VulnerabilitySeismic Hazards
Alaska Way Earthquake Simulation
Atlas of Mega thrust Earthquake
Vancouver Hazard Map

Folding and Faulting

Geology and Landscapes
Building models of folded and faulted landscapes


Inside a volcano
Project Work
Virtual Stromboli
Lava Flow Eruptions

Conquest Kilimanjaro
Science Daily
Africa without snow
Kilimanjaro on Google Maps
Ice Loss
Snow gone by 2022?
Beyond the Edge
Trekking Kilimanjaro
Geography of Kilimanjaro
Bio Center Kilimanjaro
Rain Map
Land Use Changes
Climate Debate
Chagga People
Mt. Kilimanjaro
Human Activities
Natural Heritage
Shrinking Forests
Melting Snow
Altitude Sickness
Landforms of Kilimanjaro

Yellowstone Supervolcano
Volcanoes: Comprehensive Overview
Mount St. Helen's Eruption
Mount St. Helens Maps

Videos and animations

Earth's Atmosphere
Earth's Ocean
Origin of Earth, Oceans, Atmosphere, Life
The Earth and Plate Tectonics
Tectonics and the Planet Earth
San Andreas Fault or this link
Global Plate Reconstruction and other animations
Illustrated guide to reading seismograms

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